Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Say Stop

when I first heard this song by Rihanna I got the Goosebumps. It reminded me about a boy that walked in and out of my life. I kept going back and fourth to him, but one day I just realized I deserved better than him. Although I loved him, I knew he was nothing but a liar. There comes a point in your life that you say, “stop,” and you close your doors to the people that don’t bring anything good in your life. It gets hard at a point, but you’ll find a way out of it. Actions show more than words. I believe that the words “I love you,” are very strong. If someone means it they’ll do anything to show you that that’s the way they feel for you. If all you see are lies it means is time to let go. They are taking you as a game. If they lye more once chances are that they are going to keep on doing it. Rihanna in this song says clearly how even when that someone is trying to apologize is because they are sorry they got caught. If they were really sorry they would had never done it in the first place.

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